Our medical team can provide you with helpful strategies to better manage your cholesterol.
Millions of Americans are dealing with high cholesterol. You could have it and not even know it. This is why it’s important to visit our Phoenix, AZ, family doctors annually for a checkup and bloodwork. If high cholesterol is left untreated it can lead to heart disease or stroke, so it’s important that you have a doctor that you can turn to for help managing your cholesterol safely and effectively.
There are three different types of cholesterol (also referred to as lipoproteins): high-density (HDL), low-density (LDL) and very-low-density (VLDL) cholesterol. We sometimes talk about HDL being the good kind of cholesterol; however, when we are talking about high cholesterol we are talking about LDL, or the bad kind. This is the kind that can lead to heart attacks and strokes if not properly managed.
Should I have my cholesterol checked?
You may assume that getting cholesterol checked is something that only middle-aged and older adults need to do, but every adult over 20 years of age should get an annual blood test to check their cholesterol. By catching this problem early, our Phoenix, AZ, doctors can provide you with ways to treat and get your cholesterol under control.
What are the symptoms of high cholesterol?
This is what makes high cholesterol a little scary. There are no signs or symptoms that will warn you that you have high cholesterol, which is why you should come in at least once a year for a checkup. If you have a family history of high cholesterol you may wish to come in more regularly for testing.
How is high cholesterol treated?
Simple lifestyle changes can make a world of difference when it comes to lowering high cholesterol. Some easy ways to do this is by changing your diet, getting regular exercise and losing weight if you are overweight or obese. When it comes to your diet you should focus on cutting out bad fats. This includes,
- Staying away from fried foods
- Avoiding egg yolks (egg whites are okay!)
- Limiting meat
- Avoiding the skins of the meat (e.g. chicken skin)
- Consuming low-fat dairy
- Increasing fiber intake
You should also be getting, at the very least, 30 minutes of aerobic activity every day. If your doctor sees that your cholesterol is still high despite making these adjustments to your diet and lifestyle then medications may be prescribed to lower your cholesterol.
No matter whether you are at risk for high cholesterol or not, it’s important that you have a doctor that you can turn to every year to check your cholesterol levels and to stay healthy. If it’s time for a checkup, call Dr. Kevin Chan and his staff at Pineapple Health in Phoenix, AZ, by calling (480) 531-6001.